I know that vanilla beans can be expensive. I decided to go with Madagascar vanilla beans from Beanilla and they were a GREAT price! There are many different varieties of vanilla beans so pick the one you want and go for it! I don’t think you can really go wrong! When your beans arrive they should be fragrant, plump, and oily! That is the sign of a good bean.
I used 4 oz. Boston round bottles that I found here.

Follow these super simple instructions…

And then let your Vanilla extract sit in a dark place for approximately 2 months. About once a week, take each bottle and shake it for about 10 seconds. Then put it back and resist using it until the full 2 months is up.
You can see in my pictures above that the color of the extract will darken over time. You only see my vanillas up to the 5 week mark because they aren’t quite done yet. They will be just in time for Christmas! But I wanted to get a jump on this and share it with all of you so you could possibly squeeze in making these in time to give them as gifts!

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